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April 25, 2008 Breaking News


Fri, 25 Apr 2008 01:18:08 PDT
Straight to the point: Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.

Honda's Asimo is set to conduct an entire symphony orchestra

Fri, 25 Apr 2008 00:37:07 PDT
Ouch. This is provocative behaviour of the highest order. News reaches us that Honda's Asimo is set to conduct an entire symphony orchestra. In Detroit.Yes, Honda's cute little robot will lead the Detroit Symphony Orchestra - and cellist Yo-Yo Ma - in a rendition of The Impossible Dream. Right in the heart of Motor City.

U.S. Patent Office Swamped With ‘Eco’ Applications

Fri, 25 Apr 2008 00:12:18 PDT
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) saw a 10 percent increase in trademark filings last year for green-themed marks, making it the busiest year ever for according to a report (PDF) released by the Dechert law firm. According to the report, “Trends in Trademarks,” filings for new trademarks set a record of more than 300,000 ...]

What I bookmarked today

Fri, 25 Apr 2008 00:01:05 PDT
Whuffie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Whuffie is the ephemeral, reputation-based currency of Cory Doctorow’s sci-fi novel, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom. This future history book describes a post-scarcity economy: All the necessities (and most of the luxuries) of life are free for the taking. A person’s current Whuffie is instantly viewable to anyone, as everybody has a brain-implant giving them an interface with the Net. Tags: reputation, culture, currency View all my bookmarks o

Benefits Of Yoga In Holistic Health And Well-Being

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 07:38:41 PDT
As much as yoga is becoming a popular trend, it is actually not newly developed technique. Yoga is a spiritual practice which began in India thousands of years ago. Yet through the millennia, the benefits of yoga have been retained.

This doc hip hops to the top of the world - Winnipeg Sun

This doc hip hops to the top of the world
Winnipeg Sun, Canada - Apr 18, 2008
On Sunday CBC Newsworld has the BBC documentary Massacre at Virginia Tech. It recalls the horrible shooting spree by Seung-Hui Cho on April 16, 2007, ...

CBC: It’s a “bungle”! No it’s a “blunder”! Hang on: it’s a “gaffe”!

Fri, 18 Apr 2008 13:28:14 PDT
It ain’t good, that’s for sure! Just yesterday I had to update my Monday blog entry because the fair and balanced state-owned CBC Newsworld kept changing its mind about the Conservative government’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Maxime Bernier, and how to officially describe his, um, verbal malfunction. On Monday I showed you how Canada’s cable news networks—the state-owned one and the citizen-owned one against which they compete—instructed us to think of the Conservative Minister of For

Police: Carjacker stops to ask TV news crew for directions (AP via Yahoo! News)

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 20:58:06 PDT
A carjacking suspect stopped during the crime to ask a television news crew for directions, police said.

Church of Scientology Statement to ABC News

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 21:06:43 PDT
The Church will not discuss matters surrounding Mrs. Hill, because given the thrust of her claims, she has used her name to make an otherwise ecclesiastical issue into a family matter and a personal attack on a family member. The Church will not relinquish its dignity to engage in such a debate.

Sales and Marketing trends in the Music Industry

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 18:57:14 PDT
Why talk about the music industry's options dealing with new technologies? Since the music industry has gone through major changes in the recent years, it is important to know, which of their strategies have proved successful and which have not.

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