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June 06, 2008 Hot Trends

Examine Trends in Credit, Debit and Prepaid Direct Marketing (Centre Daily Times)

Thu, 05 Jun 2008 11:42:59 PDT
Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of "Trends in Credit, Debit and Prepaid Direct Marketing" to their offering.

News Puts Economy Atop Political Agenda (Washington Post)

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 05:52:04 PDT
A historic leap in oil prices, tumbling stocks and the biggest jump in unemployment in over two decades pushed economic issues back to the forefront of the political debate yesterday. The cascade of grim economic news brought prompt responses from the presumptive presidential nominees, Sens. Bara...

Think beyond, Apple! RoughlyDrafted's 2 cents on OS X 10.6

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 13:33:58 PDT
RoughlyDrafted shows how Apple bucks Adobe's and Microsoft's trends. Wrapped up with a nice analysis and wishlist for OS X 10.6.

Get the latest news in racing (Daily Racing Form)

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 16:55:28 PDT
In order to read Daily Racing Form's free daily news stories it is required that you have a free membership. If you do not have a free membership, please register here . You will NOT need to be logged in to read each day's free news stories.

Analysis: Growing talk of Iran attack

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 17:02:36 PDT
More news on Iran

What If: D-Day Was Today?

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 18:00:48 PDT
Imagine the possibilities for the news media if D-Day occurred today, June 6, 2008 instead of June 6, 1944.............

Three To See - National Post

Three To See
National Post, Canada - May 26, 2008
(CBC Newsworld) 3 Could your family survive a two-week vacation with a family you've never met? Why would you even consider it? That's the premise behind ...

Dollar Crushed as Euro Surges

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 07:13:55 PDT
This is a great example of how to use technical analysis to read a market.This blog tells me what the trend is, where the market has been and where it can go. It has a little of everything a trader needs: support/resistance numbers, price targets, trend indicators and a detailed chart.

10 Mobile Trends for 2008

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 04:41:32 PDT
Mobile trends you should know about

SME Times - Business News,World Business,Indian Economy News

Mon, 05 May 2008 21:02:34 PDT
SME Times Gives you the information related with indian economy, indian industry news and world business news.

Hot World Trends: Who Murdered Michelle Young?

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 13:22:25 PDT
It has been reported that Wake County sheriff’s deputies recently searched residences in Transylvania and Henderson counties where Jason Young, husband of slain Raleigh resident Michelle Young, has been living. Phyllis Stephens, the Sheriff's department spokeswoman, said the department would not disclose where Jason Young is living.

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