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April 27, 2008 Breaking News

Most Visited Sites:South Africa, Kenya & Nigeria

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 06:35:33 PDT
It seems that Kenyans,South Africans and Nigerians are visiting more international websites than local websites. Is the trend going to change anytime soon? find out more in this post

Weight Loss Trends: The COOKIE DIET™

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 08:40:13 PDT
Um, yeah it sounds too good to be true.According to the COOKIE DIET Web site, the "cookies" are made of a secret blend of amino acid food proteins that curb your appetite without drugs."The "cookies" are available in chocolate, raisin or coconut. And taste bad like shampoo.And Calling Dr. Siegal: Real cookies don't look like blobs of barf!!

Syria: Nukes or Peace?

Sun, 27 Apr 2008 04:36:19 PDT
This week, Syria made news headlines not once...but twice. One headline implicates the country in enriching uranium and involves the CIA confirming to Congress that the target of a mysterious Israeli air raid in northern Syria on Sept. 6, 2007 was a reactor built with North Korean help. READ THE WHOLE ITEMRelated Entries April 25, 2008 Israel Rejects Hamas’ Truce April 24, 2008 The Ritual Flaying of Jimmy Carter April 23, 2008 Israel Reportedly Ready to Return Golan April 21, 2008 Carter Wa

links for 2008-04-27

Sun, 27 Apr 2008 04:30:29 PDT
What is social media? « Scobleizer — Tech geek blogger The best way to understand a new media is to compare it to what’s come before (tags: blogpost socialmedia es technology) TV networks seek formula for online ads - Yahoo! News Looking to tap new revenue through online ads, attract new viewers and keep loyal fans, broadcast networks are making bigger, riskier bets on Internet delivery of their shows. (tags: article internetadvertising Television video videomarketing videoadvertising es)

China protests target CNN, French store

Sun, 20 Apr 2008 11:49:57 PDT
Protests against Tibetan independence have continued Sunday in several Chinese cities, according to the country's state-run news agency.

“Mamang Police” CD

Sun, 27 Apr 2008 04:37:17 PDT
There is one ominous sign of a fallen aesthetic sense in the police community more recently. Apparently, it took the form of a music CD. And PNP Director General Avelino Razon gave it a face. That is, a face to grace the album’s cover, that album titled with the classic “Mamang Police”. Continue here or “Event Horizon” ...] This is a content summary only. Visit for full links, other content, and more! ]

A Change At Calpers (

Sat, 26 Apr 2008 21:36:25 PDT
We tend to watch CALPERS -because it's the nations largest public pension plan ($242 Billion) and it tends to invests in a variety of different asset classes and sectors. It's a good barometer of investing trends. And, this pension plan has focused on alternative energy, anti-pollution and recycling technologies. It also is venturing into infrastructure investing. The giant CalPERS pension fund is losing its investment chief to the green movement. In a surprise, Russell Read -- who has been p

Susan Riley . Politics' hidden heroes - Ottawa Citizen

Susan Riley . Politics' hidden heroes
Ottawa Citizen, Canada - Apr 25, 2008
They aren't in politics for the money, heady exposure on CBC Newsworld's popular Politics broadcast, or the conveniently timed junkets to Taiwan or Bermuda. ...

Fyi Business News, Trends + Events In Tulsa Business - Tulsa World

Fyi Business News, Trends + Events In Tulsa Business
Tulsa World, OK - 4 hours ago
By Staff Reports Robison Medical Resource Group has received the Gold Seal of Approval for health care staffing services from The Joint Commission, ...

A Change At Calpers (

Sat, 26 Apr 2008 21:36:25 PDT
We tend to watch CALPERS -because it's the nations largest public pension plan ($242 Billion) and it tends to invests in a variety of different asset classes and sectors. It's a good barometer of investing trends. And, this pension plan has focused on alternative energy, anti-pollution and recycling technologies. It also is venturing into infrastructure investing. The giant CalPERS pension fund is losing its investment chief to the green movement. In a surprise, Russell Read -- who has been p

Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem DVD Review | DVD Review News

Sun, 20 Apr 2008 07:47:42 PDT
Thinking about buying Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem DVD? Read the review first.

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