6:54 PM
June 18, 2008 Hot Trends
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 13:48:40 PDT
11 Search Trends That May Disrupt Google Jeffrey McManus about
How the Real Estate market is impacting corporate relocation
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 12:19:31 PDT
Are companies doing enough to keep their relocation programs running efficiently and cost-effectviely in today's market. Weichert Relocation Resources Inc (WRRI) surveyed over 200 North American companies to gauge curent trends and best practices in corporate workforce mobility.
Liveblogging my attempt to watch the Bernier hearings - Globe and Mail
Easy Techie Reading Round Up
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 14:06:19 PDT
Easy Techie Reading Round Up Posted June 18, 2008 Comments(0) Bit-Tech - Overclocked: A History of Violence Virtual Hideout - VH Visits the Intel Hawthorn Farm Campus Digital Trends - Music Services Compared and Multi-Touch on a PC: Love It , Hate It, or Clueless About It XS Reviews - Ladies of Channel Expo TweakPC - Windows Vista Tuning & Tipps (Not English) Legit Reviews - Centaur Technologies Tour - Making The Via Nano CPU Modders Inc - It’s a Mod Thing Icrontic - Slipstr
Report: Goosen thinks Tiger was faking injury
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 13:19:53 PDT
Retief Goosen, a two-time U.S. Open champion himself, seemed to accuse Woods of faking the extent of the injury. Perhaps the news that Tiger Woods will miss the rest of the 2008 season will finally convince Goosen that Tiger's knee injury is genuine.
Haiyoh Again Meh
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 15:04:24 PDT
it’s 5.18 in the morning! guess who’s still not sleeping yet? yah. this slumber disability, paired with some accidental hyperactivity caused by a neat wipe-out of half a packet of peanut butter cups, brings to you a random list of updates in the awesome life of the pinkpau, with a little bit of random opinion and burning observations thrown in here and there : 1. Martian has come and gone. we spent the weekend at the Ritz Carlton, where i took gross advantage of the vast bathroom counter by li
The Myth of the Bush Administration Being Strong on Homeland
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 05:59:43 PDT
The American People has been patient and has given the proponents of this foreign policy the benefit of the doubt. Up to 2004, it was possible for the administration to make the case of being “almost there.” However, despite the ebbs and flows of the conflict, the trend is against the American efforts. Let’s see why.
AMA's 9 Safety Guidelines On Medical Tourism
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 04:27:43 PDT
Considering the trend of increasing number of Americans seeking cheaper healthcare abroad, the American Medical Association has laid down 9 principles to ensure patients' safety.In 2006, about 150,000 Americans traveled overseas seeking healthcare, of which about 50% or 75000 of the medical procedures were medically necessary surgeries.
CBC Newsworld uses Huffington Post expert again
Thu, 29 May 2008 16:04:14 PDT
The gals at the fair and balanced state-owned CBC Newsworld are promoting the salacious, lascivious, “Sex and the City” movie. Over the CBC banner “SEX AND SOCIETY”. Therefore they had to engage an expert (again, for perhaps the 8,000th time) from the far-left Huffington Post (pure, nothing but, all about, yummy left-wing-promoting and rabidly anti-Bush, anti-conservative politics) web site. It’s news. Naturally, the Huffington Post expert was introduced without a whisper of the fa
Red Ribbon Award 2008 winners announced
Wed, 11 Jun 2008 05:27:34 PDT
Ugandan bishop attacks European attitude towards gays An Anglican bishop has urged the government of Uganda to keep homosexuality illegal. Eria Paul Luzinda said that "not all that comes from Europe is superior and must be taken up." Gay MEP slams Daily Mail report as "inaccurate and highly misleading" Michael Cashman has defended himself against accusations that he and his partner are taking advantage of MEP staff allowances. US gay rights group endorses Obama and attacks Mc
The five biggest storage trends - Computerworld
Gay men becomingds dads through surrogates
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 10:09:17 PDT
Surrogacy has emerged as a trend among a small but growing segment of same-sex couples. More gay couples are choosing surrogacy because at least one partner can be genetically related to the child.
Designer Sunglasses Trends: Celebrities with year 2008 trend
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 07:28:21 PDT
Celebrity sunglasses trends photos Brad Pitt at Film Independent's Spirit Awards 2008, which were held in Santa Monica, California few days ago, Brad Pitt was signing autographs. These amazing sunglasses really frame Pitt's face. The lens color goes very nice with his hair tone and totally matches his outfit.
ClickBank Shopping Mall
Hot News | Hot Trends | Trends | Current News | Breaking News
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 13:48:40 PDT
11 Search Trends That May Disrupt Google Jeffrey McManus about
How the Real Estate market is impacting corporate relocation
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 12:19:31 PDT
Are companies doing enough to keep their relocation programs running efficiently and cost-effectviely in today's market. Weichert Relocation Resources Inc (WRRI) surveyed over 200 North American companies to gauge curent trends and best practices in corporate workforce mobility.
Liveblogging my attempt to watch the Bernier hearings - Globe and Mail
Liveblogging my attempt to watch the Bernier hearings Globe and Mail, Canada - Jun 10, 2008 Over to Newsworld, then, and... Oh, wait. Newsworld is busy talking about Ron Wilson's chances of turning around the Leafs. Suhana Marchand doubts Wilson's ... |
Easy Techie Reading Round Up
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 14:06:19 PDT
Easy Techie Reading Round Up Posted June 18, 2008 Comments(0) Bit-Tech - Overclocked: A History of Violence Virtual Hideout - VH Visits the Intel Hawthorn Farm Campus Digital Trends - Music Services Compared and Multi-Touch on a PC: Love It , Hate It, or Clueless About It XS Reviews - Ladies of Channel Expo TweakPC - Windows Vista Tuning & Tipps (Not English) Legit Reviews - Centaur Technologies Tour - Making The Via Nano CPU Modders Inc - It’s a Mod Thing Icrontic - Slipstr
Report: Goosen thinks Tiger was faking injury
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 13:19:53 PDT
Retief Goosen, a two-time U.S. Open champion himself, seemed to accuse Woods of faking the extent of the injury. Perhaps the news that Tiger Woods will miss the rest of the 2008 season will finally convince Goosen that Tiger's knee injury is genuine.
Haiyoh Again Meh
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 15:04:24 PDT
it’s 5.18 in the morning! guess who’s still not sleeping yet? yah. this slumber disability, paired with some accidental hyperactivity caused by a neat wipe-out of half a packet of peanut butter cups, brings to you a random list of updates in the awesome life of the pinkpau, with a little bit of random opinion and burning observations thrown in here and there : 1. Martian has come and gone. we spent the weekend at the Ritz Carlton, where i took gross advantage of the vast bathroom counter by li
The Myth of the Bush Administration Being Strong on Homeland
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 05:59:43 PDT
The American People has been patient and has given the proponents of this foreign policy the benefit of the doubt. Up to 2004, it was possible for the administration to make the case of being “almost there.” However, despite the ebbs and flows of the conflict, the trend is against the American efforts. Let’s see why.
AMA's 9 Safety Guidelines On Medical Tourism
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 04:27:43 PDT
Considering the trend of increasing number of Americans seeking cheaper healthcare abroad, the American Medical Association has laid down 9 principles to ensure patients' safety.In 2006, about 150,000 Americans traveled overseas seeking healthcare, of which about 50% or 75000 of the medical procedures were medically necessary surgeries.
CBC Newsworld uses Huffington Post expert again
Thu, 29 May 2008 16:04:14 PDT
The gals at the fair and balanced state-owned CBC Newsworld are promoting the salacious, lascivious, “Sex and the City” movie. Over the CBC banner “SEX AND SOCIETY”. Therefore they had to engage an expert (again, for perhaps the 8,000th time) from the far-left Huffington Post (pure, nothing but, all about, yummy left-wing-promoting and rabidly anti-Bush, anti-conservative politics) web site. It’s news. Naturally, the Huffington Post expert was introduced without a whisper of the fa
Red Ribbon Award 2008 winners announced
Wed, 11 Jun 2008 05:27:34 PDT
Ugandan bishop attacks European attitude towards gays An Anglican bishop has urged the government of Uganda to keep homosexuality illegal. Eria Paul Luzinda said that "not all that comes from Europe is superior and must be taken up." Gay MEP slams Daily Mail report as "inaccurate and highly misleading" Michael Cashman has defended himself against accusations that he and his partner are taking advantage of MEP staff allowances. US gay rights group endorses Obama and attacks Mc
The five biggest storage trends - Computerworld
The five biggest storage trends Computerworld, MA - 7 hours ago But data growth aside, major issues and trends in storage technology are injecting added complexity to that storage strategy. ... |
Gay men becomingds dads through surrogates
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 10:09:17 PDT
Surrogacy has emerged as a trend among a small but growing segment of same-sex couples. More gay couples are choosing surrogacy because at least one partner can be genetically related to the child.
Designer Sunglasses Trends: Celebrities with year 2008 trend
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 07:28:21 PDT
Celebrity sunglasses trends photos Brad Pitt at Film Independent's Spirit Awards 2008, which were held in Santa Monica, California few days ago, Brad Pitt was signing autographs. These amazing sunglasses really frame Pitt's face. The lens color goes very nice with his hair tone and totally matches his outfit.
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